If when you receive your product(s), you are not completely satisfied you may return the items to us, within 45 days for refund. Returns will take approximately 5 working days for the process once the goods have arrived. The precise length depends on the payment provider used (e.g. PayPal, credit card company, etc). Items must be in their original packaging, all the original boxes must be intact and included, along with all packaging materials, manuals, blank warranty cards, plus all accessories and documents provided by the manufacturer.
You must first contact us and be in receipt of a return merchandise authorisation (RMA) number before sending any item back. Any product returned without an RMA number will not be refunded.
The money back guarantee does not cover volume/wholesale and customized orders.
Shipping back to 10DollarStore.com is paid for by the customer. We are in general unable to refund you postal fees.
Any product returned found not to be defective can be refunded within the time stated above. Goods found to be tampered with by the customer will not be replaced but returned at the customer's own expense.
By default, the refund amount cannot exceed the original order amount paid to 10DollarStore.com. 10DollarStore.com is not responsible for and has no knowledge about any bank fees or exchange rate charges that may occur. These fees are processed by the issuing bank and will not be refunded by 10DollarStore.com.